Weill Cornell Medicine’s Office of Professionalism was created with the goal of upholding our culture of integrity with the highest standards of professional conduct. This office collaborates with various stakeholders to ensure accountability, communication and mutual respect in educational, research and clinical settings. The Office of Professionalism is focused on:

  • Upholding Ethical Standards
  • Enhancing Communication Skills
  • Reinforcing Institutional Values
  • Managing Conflict
  • Providing Continuous Professional Development

“We are committed to ensuring that the highest standards of conduct and ethical behavior are upheld at Weill Cornell Medicine. Our goal is to foster continuous learning that helps our faculty adapt to the ever-evolving healthcare environment.” 
- Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Geraldine McGinty, M.D.


To empower all individuals (faculty and staff) to contribute successfully, practice ethically, and excel in their pursuit of advancing research, education and patient care based on our values of Safety (S), Honesty (H), Accountability (A), Respect (R), and Professionalism (P) (collectively, our “Weill Cornell Medicine S.H.A.R.P” Values). 


The Office of Professionalism was established to:

  1. Promote ethical standards of respect and shared values 
  2. Support quality care and patient safety 
  3. Promote professional development for faculty and staff 
  4. Cultivate greater appreciation for differences and cultural competency 
  5. Encourage open communication
  6. Ensure accountability and transparency 
  7. Support mental health and well-being 
  8. Uphold research integrity 
  9. Build a strong sense of community 
  10. Develop a system of ongoing feedback and recognition


Our mission is reached through our core functions, including:

  • Establish goals for professionalism efforts
  • Oversight of policies, procedures, conflicts and grievances
  • Enhance faculty and staff awareness and expectations of all things related to professionalism
  • Advise and offer guidance to individuals and departments on matters related to professionalism
  • Coordinate education, training and development programs for professional growth

Other Resources for Professionalism

Patient safety, clinical excellence and groundbreaking research are the responsibility of every member of our community.  Our high standards of professionalism are upheld by several parts of our community, including (but not limited to): 

  • Compliance & Privacy Office – oversees the campus-wide compliance program, ensuring adherence to privacy standards, billing regulations, and clinical compliance protocols. This office establishes and updates policies and procedures in these areas, conducts audits and investigations into compliance and privacy incidents, and performs risk assessments. It also acts as a valuable resource, offering education and guidance on privacy, general compliance, billing regulations, and research billing compliance. Moreover, it handles matters concerning patient access initiatives and the release of medical records. Additionally, the Compliance and Privacy Office is now the hub for the newly launched Weill Cornell Medicine Policy Office, which centralizes the management of WCM's policy and associated forms.
  • Human Resources – the trusted partner for faculty and staff, providing support in employee relations, talent acquisition, cultivating a positive workplace culture and ensuring legal compliance. We drive growth and enhance employee satisfaction through a dedicated approach. HR conducts investigations into employee relations matters not subject to investigation by the Office of Institutional Equity.
  • Office of General Counsel – in-house legal team that represents the university and provides advice and counsel on all legal matters that directly impact the university.
  • Office of Institutional Equity – conducts investigations and makes recommendations regarding complaints of discrimination, harassment, bias, and sexual misconduct (including Title IX claims); and offers advice and support to faculty and staff who have questions and/or concerns about equal employment opportunity (EEO) issues.
  • Research Integrity Office – oversees research integrity to ensure the conduct of research in an ethical and appropriate manner.

Contact the Office of Professionalism

You can reach the Office of Professionalism at oop@med.cornell.edu.