Full-Time Faculty Election

Call for Candidates to Serve on the WCM Board of Fellows

The term of our current Full-time Faculty (FTF) Representative on the Board of Fellows will expire on June 30, 2025. We thank Dr. Rahul Sharma for representing the Faculty on the Board these past three years.

Under procedures established by the Board of Fellows in 2021 to engage more faculty, WCM has issued a Campus-wide Call for Candidates to self-nominate or be nominated by their peers. Toward this end, the Board also restructured the selection committee to be comprised solely of members of the General and Executive Faculty Councils (the Nominating Committee of the Faculty)

As that Nominating Committee, we encourage you to review below the responsibilities of the FTF Representative and the Selection Criteria.  If you are interested in seeking nomination or would like to recommend someone, please follow the submission guidelines below.  We recommend that potential nominees discuss the time commitment with their division chief or chair. 

The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 4, 2025 at 5:00 PM. 

NOTE – only eligible applicants with complete submission packets will be reviewed. 


Want to chat with a former FTF Rep?  Send one a quick email:

Silvia Formenti, MD: formenti@med.cornell.edu

Lorraine Gudas, PhD: ljgudas@med.cornell.edu


If you have questions on the process, please email them to secretary@med.cornell.edu.


Nominating Committee of the Faculty

General Faculty Council Representatives

Alexis Halpern, MD, Co-Chair, Asst Professor of Emergency Medicine

Michele Fuortes, MD, PhD, Asst Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology

Sarah Van Tassel, MD, Assoc Professor of Ophthalmology

Executive Faculty Council Representatives

Geraldine McGinty, MD, Co-Chair, Sr Assoc Dean (Faculty), Professor of Clinical Radiology and Population Health Sciences

Janine Katzen, MD, Assoc Dean (Admissions), Assoc Professor of Clinical Radiology

Lewis Marshall, MD, Affiliate Dean and Chief Medical Officer, Lincoln Hospital


FTF Representative Eligibility

The Full-time Faculty Representative must be a member of the full-time faculty at the time of the election. The 3-year term runs from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028.


Role and Responsibilities

The Full-time Faculty Representative will:

  • be a full voting member of the Weill Cornell Medicine Board of Fellows (WCM’s governing body)
  • attend quarterly Board of Fellows meetings (2-4 hours per quarter)
  • attend Board committee meetings and advise on institutional projects, based on his/her foci within the academic mission (e.g., Student Affairs and Education, Research and Entrepreneurship, International Affairs, External Relations), (3-4 hrs/month)
  • attend after-hours Board of Fellows events whenever possible
  • serve as liaison between the Board and the entire Faculty, providing the faculty’s perspective on institutional topics that may come before the various Board committees, and regularly reporting to the Faculty through formal presentations to the Faculty Councils and other mechanisms identified from time to time

Service as the FTF Representative is an opportunity to build relationships with members of the Board and other members of the WCM community and to influence the broader institutional culture.  The time commitment varies depending on the extent of your engagement with Board committees and optional activities.  Average time for an active Board member is approximately 10-15 hours per quarter.


Selection Criteria for Full-time Faculty Rep to Board of Fellows

Candidates for the Full-time Faculty Representative to the Board will have demonstrated their:

1)     dedication to being a leader at Weill Cornell Medicine, including successful steps toward developing knowledge and experience in understanding

  • WCM’s goals and objectives for its missions of education, clinical care, and research, and the central operations supporting them
  • the relationship between the Medical College and NYP and among WCM and its many partners in the neighborhood and beyond
  • the connections and opportunities offered within the One Cornell family

2)     commitment to WCM through service activities within the institution

3)     availability and interest in participating regularly in

  • Full-Board and Board Committee meetings and activities
  • Ongoing liaison and outreach communications with the Faculty


Nomination Requirements

1)     Hold a Full-time Faculty appointment at WCMC

2)     Submit – with clearly identified document naming:

        a)     either a recommendation letter from a WCM faculty member OR for self-nomination, a personal statement describing your own interest and qualifications

        b)     the candidate’s current CV (Full CV or an NIH-style biosketch)

        c)     Upload all materials via this Qualtrics Survey by Friday, April 4, 2025 at 5:00 PM. 


Key Election Dates 2025

1)     Submission Packets Due: Friday, April 4, 2025

2)     Nominating Committee of Faculty recommends 3 nominees to Dean (4/22)

3)     Dean accepts OR convenes meeting with Committee to discuss (4/24)

4)     Dean submits 3 nominees to Membership & Governance (M&G) Committee with his recommendation (4/25)

5)     M&G votes on nominee and submits to Board of Fellows for election (4/26-29)