Executive Faculty Council
The Executive Faculty Council (EFC) consists of the Cornell University president, the dean of Weill Cornell Medicine and provost for medical affairs of Cornell University, Weill Cornell Medicine’s associate deans and department chairs, and such other persons as may be designated by the president from time to time.
The EFC, together with the General Faculty Council, has the duty to determine the entrance requirements for students; to prescribe and define courses of study for them; to determine the requirements for such degrees as are offered to students; to recommend to the Board of Fellows and university president candidates for degrees who have fulfilled the requirements therefore; to enact and enforce rules for the guidance and supervision of students in their academic work; and in general to exercise jurisdiction over the academic interests of students and all other educational matters at Weill Cornell Medicine.
The faculty councils also are key components in the flow of information between the faculty and the administration. Members of the two councils have the responsibility to bring information and concerns forward from their constituencies, as well as to serve as an information resource on policy and procedural questions emanating from the administration through the council review and approval process. In addition to the general review conducted by the full council, each council has from time to time established topic-specific committees to address key areas of concern to their membership.
The faculty councils may be reached through the Weill Cornell Office of the Secretary by email to secretary@med.cornell.edu or by phone at (212) 746-6010.
Executive Faculty Council 2024-25

- Co-Director, Center for Aging Research and Clinical Care

- Director, Weill Center for Metabolic Health

- Director, Jill Roberts Institute for Research in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

- Affiliate Dean (Cayuga MCI)

- Associate Dean (Affiliations)

- Interim Chair, Department of Physiology and Biophysics

- Associate Dean (Research)

- Associate Dean (Research)

- Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

- Interim Affiliate Dean (NYP Queens)

- Chair, Department of Genetic Medicine

- Chair, Department of Ophthalmology

- Director, Englander Institute for Precision Medicine

- Associate Dean (Program Development), Graduate School

- Associate Dean (Research)

- Chair, Department of Neurology

- Director, Center for Global Health

- Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology

- Director, Helen and Robert Appel Alzheimer's Disease Research Institute

- Chair, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery

- Associate Dean (Continuing Medical Education)

- Executive Director, Men's Service Center, Institute for Reproductive Medicine

- Associate Dean (Diversity)

- Chair, Department of Dermatology

- Affiliate Dean (Houston Methodist Hospital)

- Chair, Department of Pharmacology

- Chair, Department of Anesthesiology
- Senior Associate Dean (Research)

- Dean, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences

- Director, Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute

- Associate Dean (Translational Research & Education)

- Associate Dean (Admissions)

- Chair, Department of Population Health Sciences

- Associate Dean (Clinical Compliance)

- Associate Dean, Policy and Professionalism

- President, Cornell University

- Co-Director, Center for Aging Research and Clinical Care

- Affiliate Dean (HSS)

- Associate Dean (Student Affairs and Student Life)

- Chair, Department of Psychiatry

- Senior Associate Dean (Innovation and Initiatives)

- Chair, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

- Affiliate Dean (Lincoln Hospital)

- Senior Associate Dean (Clinical Affairs)

- Chair, Department of Surgery

- Chair, Department of Radiology

- Chair, Department of Microbiology & Immunology

- Chair, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

- Director, Drukier Institute for Children's Health

- Chair, Department of Pediatrics

- Affiliate Dean (NYP Brooklyn)

- Director, Cardiovascular Research Institute

- Associate Dean, Physician Assistant Studies

- Director, Ansary Stem Cell Institute

- Affiliate Dean (Burke MRI)

- Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

- Chair, Department of Urology

- Executive Director, Women's Service Center, Institute for Reproductive Medicine

- Associate Dean (Curricular Affairs)

- WCM Co-Director, Cornell Center for Health Equity

- Associate Dean (Faculty Affairs)

- Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine

- Dean, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar

- Associate Dean, Graduate School

- Associate Dean (Diversity)

- Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

- Chair, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Senior Associate Dean (International Affairs and Affiliations)
- Interim Senior Associate Dean (Education)

- Chair, Department of Neurological Surgery

- Associate Dean (Clinical Affairs)

- Affiliate Dean (MSKCC)

- Interim Chair, Department of Biochemistry

- Associate Dean (Faculty Development)

- Director, Meyer Cancer Center

- Chair, Department of Medicine