Welcome Message from Dean Harrington

I am honored and excited to write to you today as the new dean of Weill Cornell Medicine and provost for medical affairs of Cornell University. I feel fortunate to serve alongside some of the brightest minds and most dedicated professionals on the forefront of patient care, scientific discovery and education, and with such a talented administrative staff.

After my first week, I’m pleased to report that I am already learning my way around campus. I have used my first few days to meet with members of the WCM community, who have been gracious with their time and expertise, to help me understand what makes this such a special place to work.

I’d especially like to thank Dr. Francis Lee, Board Chair Jessica Bibliowicz, and President Martha Pollack for their leadership and tireless work to ensure a seamless transition. All have been generous with their time and I appreciate their guidance and dedication, as we look forward and build upon the momentum I have already seen. Rhonda and I also give our thanks to the Office of the Dean staff, who have worked very hard to ensure that our arrival here in NYC has been smooth and worry-free.

As leaders in healthcare, we have a special obligation to help raise the standards of medicine. This is a profound calling—it’s what drives us as professionals and sets us apart as an institution. The excellence and dedication of our students, physicians, researchers, educators and staff have earned the deep trust and respect with our patients, donors, and community. 

As dean, I believe that a major role for me is to be a steward of this trust. To do this effectively, I will listen. Over the next few months, I will continue to meet with many across our global community – faculty, staff, students, leadership, partners, and board members – to learn about their journey here and passion for medicine and science.

There is a proverb that goes, “if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” When I look at the opportunities that lie ahead for Weill Cornell Medicine, we are in a remarkable position of strength to go far. Through collaboration, commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity, and community partnerships, we will continue to change medicine.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our exceptional institution. I look forward to meeting and working with you. 


Robert A. Harrington, M.D.
Stephen and Suzanne Weiss Dean
Weill Cornell Medicine
Provost for Medical Affairs
Cornell University